
We are very proud and grateful of being joined by incredible illustrators in all of our children book's design in Spanish like Valeria Gallo, Gabriel Pacheco, Alejandro Magallanes, Alejandra Barba, Alfredo Aguirre, Dalia Alvarado, Kythzia Cañas, among others, from whom we learned a lot and  had tons of fun.

Serie Cuentos

Illustrator: Valeria Gallo

Illustrator: Alejandra Barba

Illustrator: Gabriel Pacheco

Illustrator: Alejandro Magallanes

Audiobook El Examen

Illustrator: Dalia Alvarado

Audiobook Fotografías junto al mar

Illustrator: Alejandra Barba

Serie Cuentos de niños para niños

Books in Braille

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