
Publishing has been the prevailing work in our 15+ years career.
Cover and interior pages design are not two separate projects.
We believe in visual consistency, so that each book is designed as a unique entity.

EASIEST. Applying Behavioural Economics to your Cause, 2020.

A concept developed by =mc The Management Centre
More information about this eBook and seminars:
All rights reserved @Susana Cabrera

Change for Good

El Circo de Bibis

Art catalogue designed for the traveling photo exhibition “El Circo de Bibis” of Mexican photographer Carlos Contreras. All the pictures of the exhibition are square, so is the catalogue, therefore it has a five columns grid, which allows a perfect square in the center if needed, with three different size options (using one column in the center, or three columns also in the center or the whole page). All is in black and white as the pictures of the exhibition are. The design was thought to be congruent and respectful with the artist and its amazing work.

National Governor's Conference of Mexico 
(design of Agreements books since 2005)

Memoria histórica electoral 
del Distrito Federal
Hardcover coffee table book


Prospectivas del sector eléctrico, gas natural y gas LP

Ministry of Energy in Mexico

 More publications for the Ministry of Energy of Mexico

 Power Sector Magazine

Democracia directa y la tercera ola en América latina
Ray Kennedy

La duda y la razón 

Norberto Bobbio

México Unido Contra la Delincuencia

Serie Grandes temas para un observatorio electoral ciudadano

Colección Sinergia

Estadística de las elecciones locales

Serie Cuaderno Electoral

El diseño de la democracia

Federalismo y descentralización

Serie Ensayos

Serie Tesis

Memoria general

Manual para la participación ciudadana


Manual para la Ludoteca Cívica Infantil

Colección Elecciones Federales 2006 
Instituto Federal Electoral

Magazine Exprésate (cover and interior pages design)

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